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Print all nodes in a network For testing and checks purposes.





The network which nodes will be printed.


No return value, called only to print into the output.


#> # A tibble: 30 × 3
#>    kind  rule                                                              id   
#>    <chr> <chr>                                                             <chr>
#>  1 input ""                                                                DNAd…
#>  2 input ""                                                                Grow…
#>  3 fate  "CyclinE1 or CyclinA"                                             Prol…
#>  4 fate  "E2F1_2 or TP53"                                                  Apop…
#>  5 fate  "p21CIP or RB1 or RBL2"                                           Grow…
#>  6 gene  "SPRY and not FGFR3 and not GRB2"                                 EGFR 
#>  7 gene  "not EGFR and not GRB2"                                           FGFR3
#>  8 gene  "EGFR or FGFR3 or GRB2"                                           RAS  
#>  9 gene  "not RB1 and not RBL2 and ((not (CHEK1_2_2 and ATM_2) and (RAS o… E2F1…
#> 10 gene  "not RBL2 and not RB1 and ATM_2 and CHEK1_2_2 and (RAS or E2F3_2… E2F1…
#> 11 gene  "not RB1 and not CHEK1_2_2 and RAS"                               E2F3…
#> 12 gene  "not RB1 and CHEK1_2_2 and RAS"                                   E2F3…
#> 13 gene  "(RAS or AKT) and not p16INK4a and not p21CIP"                    Cycl…
#> 14 gene  "not RBL2 and not p21CIP and CDC25A and ((E2F1_1 or E2F1_2) or (… Cycl…
#> 15 gene  "not RBL2 and not p21CIP and CDC25A and ((E2F1_1 or E2F1_2) or (… Cycl…
#> 16 gene  "not (CHEK1_2_1 or CHEK1_2_2) and not RBL2 and ((E2F1_1 or E2F1_… CDC2…
#> 17 gene  "GrowthInhibitors and not RB1"                                    p16I…
#> 18 gene  "not CyclinD1 and not CyclinE1 and not p16INK4a and not CyclinA"  RB1  
#> 19 gene  "not CyclinD1 and not CyclinE1"                                   RBL2 
#> 20 gene  "not CyclinE1 and (GrowthInhibitors or TP53) and not AKT"         p21C…
#> 21 gene  "DNAdamage and not (E2F1_1 or E2F1_2)"                            ATM_1
#> 22 gene  "(E2F1_1 or E2F1_2) and DNAdamage"                                ATM_2
#> 23 gene  "(ATM_1 or ATM_2) and not (E2F1_1 or E2F1_2)"                     CHEK…
#> 24 gene  "(E2F1_1 or E2F1_2) and (ATM_1 or ATM_2)"                         CHEK…
#> 25 gene  "(TP53 or AKT) and not (E2F1_1 or E2F1_2) and not (ATM_1 or ATM_… MDM2 
#> 26 gene  "not MDM2 and (((ATM_1 or ATM_2) and (CHEK1_2_1 or CHEK1_2_2)) o… TP53 
#> 27 gene  "GRB2 and RAS and not TP53"                                       PI3K 
#> 28 gene  "PI3K"                                                            AKT  
#> 29 gene  "(FGFR3 and not GRB2 and not SPRY) or EGFR"                       GRB2 
#> 30 gene  "RAS"                                                             SPRY