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Inferring Probabilistic Boolean Networks of Gene Regulation Using Protein Activity Enrichment Scores

Given a gene regulatory boolean network and a RNA-seq dataset, ingres computes protein activity normalised enrichment scores using VIPER, and then produces a probabilistic network using the scores as probabilities for fixed node activation or deactivation, in addition to the original boolean functions.


You can install the development version of ingres with:

# install.packages("devtools")

You may need to manually install some of the BioConductor dependencies before you can install ingres:

# install.packages("BiocManager")
BiocManager::install(c("viper", "AnnotationDbi", "", "aracne.networks"))


To cite ingres in publications use:

Victori, P. & Buffa, F. M. Ingres: from single-cell RNA-seq data to single-cell probabilistic Boolean networks. 2022.09.04.506528 Preprint at (2022).