Performs VIPER analysis on a RNA-seq dataset contained by an ingres object.
This function is merely a wrapper around the
original VIPER function
designed to suit the ingres workflow and properly prepare the input data.
- ingres.object
An ingres object.
- regulon
Object of class regulon or list of objects of class regulon for metaVIPER analysis
- verbose
Logical, whether progression messages should be printed in the terminal
# Subset regulon to speed up example run
regulon <- aracne.networks::regulonblca[1:100]
ing <- createExampleIngresObject()
performViper(ing, regulon)
#> An ingres object
#> --------------------
#> 16314 features across 90 samples
#> 9 clusters
#> Its Boolean network has 30 nodes
#> Viper performed