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Create a network genes data frame. Optionally store it as csv and open it for editing To create an ingres object, a data frame with the network nodes and the corresponding gene symbols must be provided. This function simplifies the process. If the gene nodes are correct gene symbols, then modification is not needed and the returned data frame can be directly passed to the ingres constructors.


createNetworkGenesTemplate(network, dir = getwd(), store = TRUE, modify = TRUE)



A tidygraph network.


The directory where the csv will be stored, if applicable.


If true, store the data frame as a csv


If true, and store is also true, open it to be modified by the user


The template data frame.


createNetworkGenesTemplate(network, store = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 25 × 2
#>    node     symbol  
#>    <chr>    <chr>   
#>  1 EGFR     EGFR    
#>  2 FGFR3    FGFR3   
#>  3 RAS      RAS     
#>  4 E2F1_1   E2F1_1  
#>  5 E2F1_2   E2F1_2  
#>  6 E2F3_1   E2F3_1  
#>  7 E2F3_2   E2F3_2  
#>  8 CyclinD1 CyclinD1
#>  9 CyclinE1 CyclinE1
#> 10 CyclinA  CyclinA 
#> # … with 15 more rows